2T Vs. 4T in Welding – Differences in both Modes | The Ultimate Guide

Updated: 27 Dec 2023


When it comes to welding, understanding the difference between 2T and 4T is essential for achieving the best results. These terms are used for different modes in welding machines that play a crucial role in welding.

In simple words, 2T and 4T are like the gears of your welding machine, each serving a specific purpose. Let’s dive into the basics of 2T vs 4T in welding to know how they work and when to use them.

Understanding 2T and 4T Welding Modes:

For deep knowledge and apparent differences in 2T and 4T, it is essential to know what 2T and 4T welding modes are.

In 2T/4T, the letter ‘T’ stands for touch, which means press and release of the trigger of the welding gun.Important Note:

2T (Two-Touch) Welding Mode:

The 2T or two-touch mode in welding involves a simple two-step process. In the first step, press the trigger of the welding gun to initiate the welding, while in the second step, release the trigger to stop the welding. It provides a straightforward operation, making it suitable for short welds.

4T (Four-Touch) Welding Mode:

In welding, the 4T mode, or four-touch mode, is a four-step process. In the first two steps, press and release the trigger to initiate the welding process without holding the trigger, and in the last two steps, press and release the trigger to stop the process. This mode is beneficial for prolonged periods of welding without taking a break.

Differences of 2T and 4T Mode:

At this point, we will discuss the actual differences between 2T and 4T modes on the basis of characteristics, benefits, and considerations. So let’s explore one by one. 

A. 2T Welding Mode:

We have divided it into three parts for easy understanding of the 2T welding mode. 

1. Characteristics:

  1. Simplicity: 2T mode is straightforward, with a single trigger press to start and another to stop. This simplicity can be advantageous for beginners and short welds.
  2. Precise Control: It is Ideal for applications where precise control over the welding arc is essential. This mode allows for quick on/off control in shorter welds. 
  3. Used in TIG Welding: It is commonly used in TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welding, especially for tasks that demand polish control.


Below is the list of 2T Welding benefits:

  1. Efficiency: Well-suited for tasks that require quick and efficient welding without frequent interruptions.
  2. Accuracy: For initiation of an arc, this Offers precise control. It is suitable for delicate welding operations.
  3. Convenience: The simplicity of the 2T mode can be convenient for welders who prefer a straightforward approach, especially in confined spaces. 

3. Considerations:

2T mode is efficient for short welds, but there are better choices for long, continuous welding projects.

B. 4T Welding Mode:

We have also divided the 4T welding mode into three parts for the best understanding. 

4T Setup, 4T vs 2T in welding
4T Setup

1. Characteristics:

  1. Consistent Control: The ability to have a consistent welding process without entirely stopping it is a key feature of the 4T mode.
  2. Extended Welds: This welding mode is suitable for applications that require long welds or projects that involve frequent stops and starts.
  3. Used in MIG and Stick Welding: 4T mode is favored in MIG (Metal Inert Gas) and stick welding, where continuous control is beneficial.

Following are the benefits of 4T Welding process:

  1. Versatility: Offers excellent Versatility in operating diverse welding tasks, especially for thick workpieces and joint configuration.
  2. Reduced Fatigue: It can also reduce operators’ fatigue for extended welding processes compared to constantly toggling the trigger.
  3. Optimized Heat Input: 4T mode allows for better management of heat input, which can be crucial in preventing material distortion or burn-through.

3. Considerations:

The added functionality can be seen as more complex than 2T, but it provides valuable control options for various welding processes.

C. Choosing the Right Mode:

1. Project Specifics: 

For quality welding, it is essential to consider the welding project’s length, complexity, and nature. Short welds may favor 2T, while long welding projects favor 4T mode.

2. Welder’s Comfort: 

Welders often develop preferences based on personal comfort and experience. Try both modes and assess which feels more natural to your Convenience.

3. Welding Process:

Different welding processes have their demands. Knowing the specific required mode for an exact welding process is essential.

Comparison of 2T and 4T Functions in MIG Welding:

The 2T and 4T functions in MIG welding are simple because there is no worry of amperage; you only have to set voltage and wire speed settings before starting welding. To compare these modes, you have to look at each separately. 

2T in MIG Welding:

2T Setup for MIG Welding, 2T vs 4T
2T Setup for MIG Welding

2T in MIG welding is simple and has special functions in welding processes. The function is simple, as explained in the previous explanation of 2T mode. 

Nothing is new; press the MIG gun trigger to start and release to stop. 

4T in MIG Welding:

The function of 4T in MIG welding differs from that of 2T. Here, you do not need pre-starting settings to initiate welding. It is similar to TIG welding; press the trigger to activate the MIG welding and release it simultaneously — the process will continue… 

Until you press and release the trigger. This is a simple way to weld long and long MIG welds without taking a break. 

Comparison of 2T and 4T Functions in TIG Welding:

In TIG welding, the function of 2T and 4T is simple, and the design is similar to the foot pedal (controls the amperage). Here, the 2T and 4T work as on-and-off switches with preset amperage. 

2T in TIG Welding:

The 2T function is quite simple in TIG welding: press to start and release to stop, but it is essential to set the amperage rate of the machine. Set the ramp up and down time for safety to prevent the thin metal from high amperage. 

4T in TIG Welding:

The 4T mode in TIG welding introduces a four-step sequence. After initiating the arc in the first step, the second step allows for an extended period of welding without the need to continuously control the trigger. The third step stops the arc while maintaining the gas flow for post-weld shielding, and the fourth step completely stops the welding machine. 


Can 2T or 4T mode be more suitable for confined spaces?

2T mode’s simplicity and quick on/off control make it convenient for confined spaces. At the same time, 4T is not more suitable for confined spaces. However, the choice also depends on other project-specific factors.

Can a welder switch between 2T and 4T modes during a project?

Many welding machines allow users to switch between 2T and 4T modes based on the project requirements. Welders may choose the mode that best matches the specific phase or nature of the welding task.

Final Thoughts: 

Both 2T and 4T modes play essential roles in welding processes. 2T simplifies the process with a primary two-step trigger mechanism, while 4T adds Versatility by introducing a four-step process. This will allow you to have a more controlled and comfortable welding experience. The choice between 2T and 4T depends on the welding task’s specific requirements and the welder’s preferences. 

This is the last touch of the topic. If you have any questions about this post, please ask them in the comment section or contact us directly. We always feel happy to solve our readers’ problems. Thank you for giving precious time to this post. 

Abu Bakar

Abu Bakar

Hello, Abu Bakar here, the Mastermind Behind Welding Villa. Test my years of experience through my well-written blogs, where I have covered the overall experience of welding materials and shown all the aspects of Welding, their types and equipment.

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